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The 5 Top Ways you can Brand your Live Shows with Graphics

By Ian Anderson Gray with Bradley Vincent

Confident Live Marketing Podcast

Episode 119

Duration: 1 hour 36 seconds

Episode Theme: Content & Marketing

July 30, 2021

CLMP #118 Blog Image

Do you want to have a lasting impact on your audience?

Are you struggling with ways to make your show memorable?

Branding is a great and simple way to make your live show or podcast stand out from others.

In this article, I’m exploring the top five ways you can brand your live shows with graphics.

I’m joined by the amazing Bradley Vinson, from Bradley Teaches, who is going to be sharing some hints and tips that we can use to brand our live show.

Do you want to have a lasting impact on your audience?

Are you struggling with ways to make your show memorable?

Branding is a great and simple way to make your live show or podcast stand out from others.

In this article, I’m exploring the top five ways you can brand your live shows with graphics.

I’m joined by the amazing Bradley Vinson, from Bradley Teaches, who is going to be sharing some hints and tips that we can use to brand our live show.

What You’ll Learn

[5:45] How did Bradley Start his Career?
[13:12] Why is Branding so Important for Live Shows?
[17:47] Do you Need to use a Specific Type of Streaming Software?
[26:02] Top Five Types of Graphics for your Live Show

How did Bradley Start his Career?
Listen at [05:45]

It seems that everywhere I go in the community, Bradley is popping up with really amazing content.

He has this amazing skill of making things that are a little complex, really easy to understand.

But, how did he get into this line of work?

Much like me, Bradley didn’t start his channel with the purpose of making money, however, once he realised that what he was offering had value, he started helping more people and made digital products in response to the demand.

As you’ll know, as much as I love helping people, I’m very passionate about charging for your services. If you don’t make money, you can’t support yourself and your family, and ultimately you won’t be able to bring any value to your community.

What Type of Streaming Software?
Listen at [17:47]

Many people love the simplicity of Instagram or Facebook live streaming. But do you need to use a certain type of live streaming software in order to add graphics to your show?

The key is to think about what graphics you want to achieve, what is your end goal, and then choose your platform around that. A lot of the software offers free trials so play about and see what you like, and what offers the level of capability that you need.

When it comes to choosing the software for your live stream, the key is to think about what graphics you want to achieve, what is your end goal and then choose your platform around that. @BVteachesClick To Tweet

So, you don’t have to use professional-level software such as After Effects to get graphics, you can use Keynote, Powerpoint, Google Slides or Canva. All of these are really accessible and free and can make really great graphics.

Five Types of Graphics for your Live Show
Listen at [26:02]

So, when we first started, Bradley said that he would share with me his top five graphics for making your live show memorable, and they are:

  1. Logo Book
  2. Lower Third
  3. Full-Screen Infographic/Sidebar
  4. Stinger
  5. Follow-Me Graphic

Let’s look at each of these in a little more detail…

So first let’s look at the Logo Book and why this is a great way to make your live shows memorable.

A logo book can be left on the screen the entire time you’re on video so it’s possibly the most important type of graphic. You should place it in the upper right-hand corner if possible so that it doesn’t interfere with your face or anything else on the screen.

So, number two is a little bit of a misnomer, but it’s called a Lower Third. These are any graphics that show up in the lower third of your screen, and there are a number of different types of graphics you can use.

This type of graphic doesn’t compete for space, as it’s not in a high visibility area, but they are there to help support whatever it is you are speaking about.

This has really got me thinking about how I can use this type of graphic for my housekeeping at the beginning of the show as it would be a lot easier if the information was in visual form on the screen.

The third type of graphic is another one that is really great for supporting content and it is the full-screen infographic and or sidebar. And they are both really great options if you have a lot of complex information to share.

First, there is the animated sidebar, and this is great for displaying more complicated content, for example: “Here are five things that I’m going to be talking about today.”

And the full-screen graphic is a great way to give you a breather from the screen.

The great thing about both of these types of content is that they automatically make people screengrab the video.

If you are outlining what you are going to be talking about, and then display important information, people will screen capture so they don’t have to take notes. Now that person has a branded screen capture of your video.

The fourth graphic is a great way to add a little pizazz to your live show, and it’s what I call the Stinger.

It’s essentially a bar that moves across the screen.

It’s a little different from a transition, as that is usually used when the camera or a scene changes. A stinger is a great graphic to use if you are switching between topics. There is no sound on it, so you don’t have to stop talking.

It’s a great tool for breaking up your video and helping to keep your viewers engaged.

And graphic number five is very similar to number three, as it’s a full-screen graphic that I call the ‘Follow-Me graphic’.

It’s your last chance to give your audience something to do at the close of your video.

And that is a great way to close off the video with your viewers.

And that is how you can use graphics in your live video, or show.

You can use a combination of all of these in both animated and static, and if you would like more information on these five graphics, then you can download Bradley’s tutorial on 5 ways to easily brand your videos.

Why is Branding so Important?
Listen at [13:12]

It’s really important that you find a way to make your show memorable and stand out, and branding is one of the ways that you can do this. This is why adding branding to your live show is a really important aspect.

It's really important that you find a way to make your live show memorable and stand out, and branding is one of the ways that you can do this. @BVteachesClick To Tweet

Branding your live show means that even if people only tune in for a minute or thirty seconds, they can clearly see who that content belongs to.

This is super important these days as people might be scrolling through a feed, and they might not have time to watch the entire show. If you have stand-out branding, this will make your show super memorable and viewers will make their way back to watch the whole show.

In this global community, your content can go international, and your audience needs to know who is providing that content, and how to find out.

It’s not just visual branding, I also did a show about audio branding. So, if you are listening and wondering how you can use this information for a podcast, then this is a good show to check out.



Watch Episode 119


About Bradley Vincent

Bradley has been in the design world since the early nineties but only recently he combined his love for teaching with his design and multimedia production skills to create "Bradley Teaches".

He helps content creators move from 'playful' to 'professional' by showing them how to make and use graphics and animations to brand their videos using Apple keynote, Canva, and other web-based software.

Ian Anderson Gray

Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and is the host of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast. He helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He's founder of Seriously Social - a blog focused on live video and social media tools. He’s an international speaker, trainer, teacher and consultant. He has a passion for making the techno-babble of live video and social media marketing easy to understand. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.