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How to Launch Your Facebook Live Show in Just 10 days

By Ian Anderson Gray

Confident Live Marketing Podcast

Episode 90

Duration: 28 minutes 35 seconds

Episode Theme: Confidence & Mindset

January 8, 2021

EP 90 - Blog Image

Want to launch your Facebook Live Show?

It’s time to stop procrastinating!

You know the power of live video…. Building your confidence, growing an audience and community, and building a content repurposing powerhouse!

But how?

What if I told you, you could launch your live show in just 10 days?

What You’ll Learn

[7:56] About the importance of planning your live show
[10:29] How to get your head around the tech & the gear
[14:35] About confidence & communication on your live shows
[16:22] The importance of practice
[20:09] More about the tech involved in going live
[21:54] About the different streaming tools
[22:30] About the 5 Ps!
[23:32] Accountability and a safe space for your lives 

It’s All in the Planning

Planning is the key! I know it seems boring and that it’s just not as sexy as the gear and the tech.

So what I recommend you do is spend a whole day planning your Facebook live shows. And this is what I’m going to talk you through in my Launch Your Live course.

Our planning day is going to cover all of this, including an introduction to Facebook Live, Facebook Premiers, other live video platforms and planning your Facebook Lives.

We’re also going to look at your personal branding, who your audience is, your “Why & What”, where you’ll broadcast to and how.

Getting Your Head Around the Tech and the Gear

I’m a big believer in bootstrapping your live studio when you start out. There’s no reason you can’t just use your smartphone. Maybe just get a mic and a webcam so you can build your live video studio slowly over time.

Then it’s time to think about what you need to do before you go live.

On the Tuesday of the Launch Your Live course we’re going to look at the anatomy of a Facebook live post: Title, description, thumbnail, and then the different types of show formats.

My show is a ‘How To’ show but there are lots of other types, such as a local show or tours, etc.

Then it’s time to think about what you want to say and start planning the structure and topics of your show.

At this point it’s also important to think about the replay audiences and how you can grow and build engagement on your shows.

So basically the Tuesday of the Launch Your Live course will be all about the tech and gear followed by preparing to go live.

Confidence and Communication

This part is all about how to get in front of the camera and raise your energy levels whilst remaining authentic.

The Wednesday of the Launch Your Live course will focus entirely on confidence and communication.

I’ll be sharing my Confidence Live Warmup Formula. It’s going to help you get over the fear, get into the right mindset, relax your body and control your breath. We’ll also look at pitch control, diction and energy.

In the Launch Your Live course I'll also be sharing my Confidence Live Warmup Formula. It's going to help you get over the fear, get into the right mindset, relax your body and control your breath.Click To Tweet

The Tech and the Tools

The next step in the Launch Your Live course is to dig deep into Facebook Live Producer. You may not use it regularly, or at all, but it’s important to know the anatomy of a Facebook Live if only because there’ll be times you’ll need to go into Producer to edit settings, for example.

We’ll also look at the advantages and disadvantages of going live straight away as opposed to scheduling your broadcasts.

There’ll be a complete walkthrough, including the poll and question features.

Live Video Streaming Tools

In this stage of the course, we’ll look at the different types of tools you can use for going live, whether you use a web app, a native tool or an app you download onto your computer.

There’ll be individual walkthroughs of the top live video streaming tools.

The 5 Ps!

Live video is not just about going live, engaging with your audience and thinking about your replay audience. It’s also about creating content that you can repurpose to get as much mileage out of your live shows as possible!

So this is where my 5 ps come in. The next stage of the Launch Your Live course is looking at my 5 Ps of Live Video: Planning, pre-promotion, production, post-promotion and repurposing.

Practising in a Safe Space

It’s now time to put all your learning into practice. But where do you do it? Well, we have a members group where you can go live and practice every day. I’ll also be going live in the group every day to answer your questions and offer support.

By the end of the 10 days (5 days over two consecutive weeks) you’ll have learnt how to launch your live show and I know that at the end of it there’ll be no more procrastination…. Your live show will be live!

The Launch Your Live course is $99 for the two weeks and you can find out all you need to know about it here.

 Brought to you by Content10X & Restream


Restream is the complete multi-streaming suite for entrepreneurs.

With Restream you can stream to multiple platforms all at the same time. They have a plethora of destinations including:

  • LinkedIn Live
  • Facebook Live
  • YouTube Live
  • Twitch
  • Periscope and so much more

You can stream from another tool to Restream and Restream will take care of the multi-streaming for you really easily. Or you can broadcast directly from Restream to your platform of choice.

Restream also has chat, analytics and a scheduler. With the chat service you can view and engage with your audience from all the destinations you stream to.

I’ve been really blown away by the Analytics section – this shows your stream metrics – now many viewers, watched minutes, new followers and more.
And finally, the scheduler allows you to broadcast pre-recorded video live.


Do you want to find ways to create more content?

You won’t after you meet the team at Content 10x!

My friends at Content 10x are a specialist content repurposing agency, they can take one live-stream, or a blog post, podcast, or video, and explode it into a plethora of new platform-specific, on-brand content..

If they don’t do all of this for you via their service, they teach you how with their podcast, blog, book and toolkit!

They’re smart, responsive, creative, and effective. If you want to take the stress out of content marketing, Content 10x are the people you want to go to.

Visit to find out more.



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Watch Episode 90

Ian Anderson Gray

Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and is the host of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast. He helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He's founder of Seriously Social - a blog focused on live video and social media tools. He’s an international speaker, trainer, teacher and consultant. He has a passion for making the techno-babble of live video and social media marketing easy to understand. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.
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