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The Power of One Framework with Kelly Baader

By Ian Anderson Gray with Kelly Baader

Confident Live Marketing Podcast

Episode 10

Duration: 36 minutes 44 seconds

Episode Theme: Confidence & Mindset

July 26, 2019

EP 10 - Blog Image

In this episode I am talking to Kelly Baader, who is a renowned Digital Sales and Marketing Strategist, certified coach and mentor to emerging online entrepreneurs; host of Christian CEO Podcast, author of an Amazon bestseller, and the founder of the Christian CEO University.

Kelly’s Background

Kelly grew up under difficult circumstances and in a time where a girl’s value was based more on her ability to have babies, and as a result, education was not prioritized for girls. The concept of self-worth didn’t register with her at all when she was young.

As she got older and eventually became the youngest female in her corporate job, she faced some obstacles and learned many lessons about grasping self-worth and building confidence. You can watch her story in this video, and also her very personal story in her book ‘A Little Girl Called Grace‘.


How would you describe your confidence levels through those difficult moments in your life? Would you say they fluctuated?

It doesn’t matter which background we have come from and what our journey is – whether as a business owner or entrepreneur – we all encounter bumps right? I call them a point in the valley. In that moment you have a choice to make: either you are going to give up or you can ask yourself ‘what can I make of this?’

In that moment, there are no external factors we can rely on like the goals, the money, the strategy, the tactics. That moment solely relies on the person – who we are, or who we are inspired to become – to handle that situation.

Do you remember that first moment you had to go live, or on stage?

Yes! Six or seven years ago I was asked to be a speaker for John C Maxwell’s Certification Event. I was so nervous, waiting backstage. Then they handed me the mic and the lights shone on me, and over 800 pairs of eyes were focussed on me. At that moment I realised that if I shifted the focus from the worry of what I looked and sounded like, to what the people in front of me were wanting to hear from me. That meant I could help.

I still remember today the feeling of the audience giving me a standing ovation at the end of my talk. Still, to this day – I use that mindset for when I am ever in a position to address an audience – whether that is online or in person.

How have you been consistent about creating content?

I don’t feel like I’m that consistent enough, I actually feel guilty! If you think of the thought leaders that you follow, you constantly receive the value from them – whether it’s on Instagram, LinkedIn or YouTube. They are showing you what they can contribute. So, if you don’t show up daily or weekly – no-one will know what you can add or contribute to them. This is what I try to remember when I get stuck or haven’t done anything consistent enough.

Tell us about your Power of One Framework

I’d love to say I came up with this all by myself, but I didn’t. You know sometimes you are put on the spot in your business and you have to come up with something, or document your approach? Well this came from one of those moments.

In 2018, my mentor, Chris Ducker said to me that he wanted me to talk at his Youpreneur Summit. At that time, it was four months beforehand. And he said to me – I want you to share ONE idea, in that talk.

I had to some time to reflect on which ONE idea I could share. I had too many. I reviewed how I had worked with all of my clients over the years, regardless of where they were in their journey. There was always a moment where they got stuck and that was when they were about to level up.

I remember Darren Hardy, the former chief editor of Success Magazine sharing a story about what he did before he got married. He made a list of all the criteria that he wanted from the woman he wanted to get married to. The next morning, he got up – looked at the paper – and then thought: ‘But what criteria would this woman want from the man that she would like to marry?’ In order for him to want to attract that amazing woman, he had to become the amazing man that she wanted to marry first.

So, what I came to was this: we have to look at YOU first. We need to look at the four invisible areas of:

  • Time
  • Energy level
  • Space (mental)
  • Relationship

Because otherwise you can just follow other people’s formulas or frameworks. You are individually unique – so you need to start with you.

Read below for more on Kelly’s actual framework!

Would you say (simplistically) that means we need to invest in ourselves first, before focussing on implementation?

Yeah, I would say invest is a great word. But I think it’s more like awareness in this context. We have to be aware, brutally honest with ourselves through the use of some assessment in the programme – to see where exactly you are, and what your priorities are in this season of your life. It’s a lie that you can separate your work and personal life. The deeper awareness that you are willing to accept, the faster you will grow.

How would you say that you can become more self-aware?

We cannot go it alone on this journey through life. I often say, in my community, that there are four important elements in order for you to see beyond your current level:

The growth mindset

Your current ceiling has to become your floor again. The current ceiling is where you are really comfortable. The most successful people we admire will constantly put themselves into an uncomfortable position in order to grow.

The right knowledge

We are not short of information and knowledge. But, what is the ‘just in time knowledge’ for you right now?

The right growth path

We can go in all different directions, but we need to understand what is the right growth path for now.

The right mastermind group

People sometimes serve as a mirror of ourselves. We need accountability elements to help us move forward. When we fall, there is someone there to pick us up and when we are too high and lofty minded – we have someone there to ground us.


I don’t think you can have enough self-awareness when you are shut behind the door by yourself.

Sometimes, with confidence, there is no way around it – it just has to come from all the mistakes or brokenness we have been through. In the process, it will produce empathy (for ourselves and for others). And when we have different levels of empathy – I think that helps us to grow different levels of confidence.

How does becoming more self-aware help with getting more business or clients?

The thought leaders who seem perfect are actually more difficult to relate to. When you can display a level of empathy for your audience, you have a better chance of them resonating with you and not dismissing you with another superficial message.

What are you doing at the moment? How can people learn more about you?

We powered through the discussion and I didn’t really explain The Power of One Framework – so as a quick explanation for those who are wondering what it is:

The framework means: what is the #1 solution that you can provide to your #1 client so that they can have the #1 result by the best current version of you.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or check out my website.


Watch Episode 10


About Kelly Baader

Kelly is the CEO of SheInherited GmbH/LLC and Influential Entrepreneurs, LLC and the founder of SheInherited LLC- A Kingdom-Advancing Leadership Development Company that empowers you, the Christ-Centered Entrepreneurs to Grow & Scale Your Business Elegantly
 with Identity-Aligned Positioning, Compassion-Driven Marketing, and Confidence-Fueled Selling.

Ian Anderson Gray

Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and is the host of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast. He helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He's founder of Seriously Social - a blog focused on live video and social media tools. He’s an international speaker, trainer, teacher and consultant. He has a passion for making the techno-babble of live video and social media marketing easy to understand. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.

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