How to Repurpose Your Live Videos to Explode Your Business
By Ian Anderson Gray with Amy Woods
Confident Live Marketing Podcast
Episode 22
Duration: 47 minutes 28 seconds
Episode Theme: Content & Marketing
October 18, 2019

So, you've gone live and you've pressed that end broadcast button. Congratulations. But that's not the end of it.
It's time to get involved in the comments and post-promote your live video content. That's the 4th P (after planning, pre-promotion and production).
But then it's time for the 5th P - the most powerful one - Re-Purposing! And that's what we're talking about today. And who else can I have on the show but the Queen of Repurposing - Amy Woods of Content 10X
In this show, we’ll discuss how to repurpose your live video shows into a plethora of live video content to explode across the interwebs! We’ll look at loads of different ways of doing it too.
Watch Episode 22
About Amy Woods
Amy is a Context 10x Founder, an internationally recognized authority on content repurposing, a best-selling author, speaker, and podcaster