How to Promote Your Live Video Shows
By Ian Anderson Gray with Jim Fuhs & Tim Sohn
Confident Live Marketing Podcast
Episode 47
Duration: 46 minutes 6 seconds
Episode Theme: Content & Marketing
April 10, 2020
You are producing live broadcasts. You’ve increased in confidence. And you are sharing valuable stuff.
But how do you increase the number of people watching the live and the replay? How do you grow the amount of engagement you get in your live videos?
How do you promote your videos to a wider audience?
I’m excited to have Jim Fuhs and Tim Sohn on the Confident Live Marketing Show to talk about how to promote your live video shows! They have their own show - the Tim & Jim Show, and they’ve become masters at promotion (as well as many other things!)
Join us as we talk live video promotion!
This episode is sponsored by Content10X and StreamYard
We Cover…
- Why live video?
- Do you still get nervous? What disasters have you had?
- It’s hard when we start out – no numbers. How do we promote at the start?
- Where should we stream to? Where should we promote to?
- Can you share what you do in terms of promotion?
Brought to you by Content10X and StreamYard
But just before that, it’s time to introduce our first sponsor, which is none other than Content10X.
I’m so proud that Amy and the team at Content10X are sponsoring this podcast because it’s just such an amazing fit. They are experts in content repurposing. They provide a full end to end repurposing service. So what are the great things about live video is that once you’ve sorted out the tech and the confidence? Once you’ve planned it out, you hit that go live button, you go live, you interact with your audience.
You press the end broadcast button… You’ve got a piece of content that you can then repurpose across the interwebs. And that is exactly what Content10X does. They will take that live show and they will repurpose it into, say, blog posts, podcast episodes, videos, social media images, and that’s exactly what I do with this live show every single week.
And so the great thing about this is you can focus on building your business and they will help explode your content across the interwebs in a plethora of different content. So if you check out their blog, their podcast, and also they’ve got a new book now at you can find out how to do this yourself.
So, of course, Content10X can do this for you. But if you’re not ready to do that, you can learn from the masters of content repurposing and find out how to do it yourself. They’ve got so many tips and amazing, amazing things at the blog and their podcast, and of course that book as well. So if you want to find out more, all you need to do is go to
StreamYard is my top recommended live video streaming web app tool. Because it works in your web browser it works for both Mac and PC users.
It’s so incredibly simple to use and has so many amazing features such as:
Being able to highlight comments on the screen and add your own titles
Have up to 5 guests on your show without any extra software
Being able to share your screen
Add your own brand colours
You can stream to Facebook, Periscope, LinkedIn Live and YouTube
And now you can use greenscreens!
All of that on the free version!
The paid version gives you even more including being able to add your own logo, overlays, backgrounds and videos and multicasting to up to 5 destinations.
StreamYard has got a great deal for Confident Live Marketing viewers and listeners. You get a 30 day trial with a 16% discount on the annual plans.
To find out and have a play, visit
Watch Episode 47
About Jim Fuhs
Jim Fuhs is President of Fuhsion Marketing in Marietta, Georgia. He's also is a retired Marine LtCol turned social media consultant and speaker.