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How to Create a Learning System

By Ian Anderson Gray

Confident Live Marketing Podcast

Episode 182

Duration: 28 minutes 15 seconds

Episode Theme: Tech & Gear

October 17, 2022

CLMP #182 Blog

Do you ever find yourself finishing reading a book and then forgetting everything you’ve read?
Do you get distracted, find yourself being forgetful and struggle to write notes?

In this episode, I’ll share a new system I’ve been working on, which saves quotes and things I’ve learnt from all the books I’ve been reading. Not just books but videos, podcasts and more.

Watch Episode 182

Ian Anderson Gray

Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and is the host of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast. He helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He's founder of Seriously Social - a blog focused on live video and social media tools. He’s an international speaker, trainer, teacher and consultant. He has a passion for making the techno-babble of live video and social media marketing easy to understand. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.