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Confidence & Communication: Tanya Smith

By Ian Anderson Gray

Confident Live Marketing Podcast

Episode 229

Duration: 24 minutes 43 seconds

Episode Theme: Confidence & Mindset

Full Transcript

October 23, 2024


Do introverts find getting in front of the camera more difficult?
Are you looking for strategies to overcome your fears and make a real impact through live video?

In this episode of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast, we dive deep into these questions with premier video coach Tanya Smith. Tanya shares her personal journey as an introvert who has mastered the art of video confidence, offering invaluable insights and practical tips for fellow introverts looking to make their mark in the world of content creation.

Tanya Smith, a savvy business strategist and host of Stream Like a Boss TV, is known for her soothing voice and cutting-edge livestream engagement strategies. As an introvert herself, Tanya brings a unique perspective to the world of video marketing, proving that you don't need to be an extrovert to shine on camera.

In this episode:

[0:00] – Tanya shares her insights on the introvert’s perspective in video creation
[2:48] – Exploring the unique challenges introverted content creators face
[3:06] – Tanya reveals her personal strategies for overcoming camera fear
[4:37] – Learn how to build confidence through small, manageable steps
[7:11] – Tanya offers advice on dealing with negative feedback and online trolls
[10:02] – Discover the power of community support in boosting confidence
[11:22] – Tanya explains how to embrace your unique personality on camera
[13:57] – Insights on how introverts can effectively engage with their community
[14:38] – Practical strategies for introverts to increase their visibility online
[14:59] – Tanya shares tips on finding your peak energy times for content creation
[17:17] – Learn Tanya’s preparation techniques for successful live sessions
[19:50] – Encouragement and motivation for aspiring content creators
[22:35] – Tanya discusses her current projects and future plans

The Introvert’s Journey to Video Confidence

Tanya Smith’s journey to becoming a confident video creator wasn’t an easy one. As an introvert, she faced numerous challenges that many of us can relate to. The fear of being on camera, the anxiety of live interactions, and the pressure to maintain a constant online presence were all hurdles she had to overcome.

Tanya needed to start with baby steps. It wasn’t about jumping straight into live video but rather building confidence gradually. This approach of taking small, manageable steps is crucial for introverts looking to build their presence in the video space. It allows for a more comfortable progression and helps in managing the overwhelming feelings that often come with putting oneself out there.

Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback

One of the most daunting aspects of creating content is dealing with criticism and negative feedback. Tanya offers valuable advice on how to handle these situations, emphasising the importance of focusing on your message and your target audience.

Not everyone is your audience. It’s important to stay true to your message and connect with those who resonate with it. This mindset shift can be incredibly empowering, allowing you to brush off negative comments and focus on the positive impact you’re making.

Embracing Your Unique Personality

A common misconception is that you need to be loud or overly energetic to succeed in video content. Tanya challenges this notion, encouraging introverts to embrace their natural personalities on camera. Your quiet charisma can be your superpower, and authenticity is what truly connects you with your audience.

This advice is particularly reassuring for introverts who may feel pressured to adopt a more extroverted persona. By being true to yourself, you’re more likely to attract an audience that appreciates and connects with your genuine self.

Strategies for Introverts to Increase Visibility

Tanya shares several practical strategies for introverts to increase their visibility without feeling overwhelmed:

1. Find your peak energy times: Identify when you feel most energised and schedule your content creation during these periods.
2. Prepare thoroughly: Having a solid plan can significantly reduce anxiety and boost confidence.
3. Start with shorter sessions: Begin with brief videos or live streams and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.
4. Engage with your community offline: Use quieter forms of engagement, like responding to comments or direct messages, to build relationships with your audience.

Tanya’s journey from an introverted individual hesitant about being on camera to a successful video coach and content creator is truly inspiring. Her experiences and advice offer valuable insights for anyone looking to overcome their fears and make an impact through video content.

What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to creating video content as an introvert? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for more inspiring stories and practical tips on building your confidence in live marketing!

Watch Episode 229


[0:00] Tanya: As an introvert sometimes we may seem a little bit more low key than some of the extroverts right? So I knew I wanted to make sure that I always was at a higher level of energy

[0:11] A woman popped in my feed and she said if I were to look up the definition of unprofessional your face would be next to it it was really rude so it wasn't even the typical troll that says something super crazy instead this was a statement that was a personal attack and I internalized that

[0:28] Hear a lot of people who are just starting out or thinking about doing video they make excuses just like I did I don't want to do it cause I'm not quite ready my hair's not right oh I don't have the right background I made a lot of excuses not to do video taking the baby steps absolutely helped me to build my confidence muscle

Ian Anderson Gray

Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and is the host of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast. He helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He's founder of Seriously Social - a blog focused on live video and social media tools. He’s an international speaker, trainer, teacher and consultant. He has a passion for making the techno-babble of live video and social media marketing easy to understand. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.