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Confidence & Communication: Luria Petrucci

By Ian Anderson Gray with Luria Petrucci

Confident Live Marketing Podcast

Episode 238

Duration: 32 minutes 32 seconds

Episode Theme: Confidence & Mindset

Full Transcript

December 24, 2024


Have you ever felt nervous or uncomfortable on camera, wishing you could exude the same confidence as your favourite content creators?

In this episode of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast, Luria Petrucci is back. She’s an expert in video and live streaming. We explored these questions and more. With over 6,000 videos and 1 billion views under her belt, Luria shares her journey from extreme shyness to becoming a confident, authentic creator.

In this episode:

Luria reveals her transformation from extreme shyness to confident creator
Ian introduces the Confident Live Marketing Podcast and its focus
Meet Luria Petrucci: A deep dive into her expertise in video and live streaming
Luria shares her early experiences in content creation and the challenges she faced
Practical strategies for facing fears and building confidence on camera
The power of authenticity: Overcoming perfectionism in content creation
How personality impacts video content and audience engagement
Navigating pivots in your content strategy and dealing with online trolls
Key takeaways and final thoughts on building authentic confidence

From Shy to Spotlight: Luria’s Journey to Confidence

Luria’s transformation from an extremely shy individual to a confident content creator is definitely inspiring. She recalls her early days, struggling with severe shyness and social anxiety.

However, Luria’s story is a testament to the power of persistence and gradual exposure. She didn’t suddenly wake up one day as a confident presenter. Instead, her journey involved small, consistent steps towards overcoming her fears. This gradual approach allowed her to build confidence over time, eventually leading to her impressive portfolio of over 6,000 videos and 1 billion views.

Luria’s experience underscores an important lesson for aspiring content creators: confidence is not an innate trait but a skill that can be developed through practice and perseverance.

Watch Episode 238


About Luria Petrucci

Luria helps entrepreneurs unleash their authentic self through professional videos and live streams, For 18 years, Luria has created over 6,000 videos with over 1 Billion views using video and live streaming shows. She's appeared on CNN, NBC, FOX, NBC, MSNBC, ABC & BBC. She’s worked on LIVE Video for top brands like AT&T, Samsung, GoDaddy, and Panasonic. Live Streaming Pros has built LIVE video studios for top influencers like Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn, Ryan Levesque, Donald Miller, Stu McLaren & Michael Hyatt.


Luria: I was the shyest person that you probably have ever met I didn't know how to talk I got called a snob in school because I couldn't talk to people I just didn't have the social skills for it and nobody believes me when I say that now because I have gained so much experience and confidence on camera

I remember the first podcast interview I was asked to be on I scripted out my answers to an interview conversation I cringe at that now thinking wow like just talk girl

countdown timers became a thing after I started doing it across the internet. The reason I did dancing countdown timers was because I was uncomfortable doing it dancing is something that I hold near and dear to my heart but it's never something I wanted to share and That was me just challenging myself to be more authentic and do something that made me uncomfortable

Ian Anderson Gray

Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and is the host of the Confident Live Marketing Podcast. He helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He's founder of Seriously Social - a blog focused on live video and social media tools. He’s an international speaker, trainer, teacher and consultant. He has a passion for making the techno-babble of live video and social media marketing easy to understand. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.